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Shabbat in the Hood

Friday, July 26, 2024 20 Tammuz 5784

6:30 PM - 8:30 PMShabbat in the Hood, Hosted by Emily Roet and Mike Goodman


B’nai Havurah’s Shabbat in the Hood is back!! B’nai Havurah members, our Shabbat in the Hood hosts,
are pleased to share a little Shabbat ruach (spirit) in their home and backyards.
Shabbat in the Hood offers a perfect opportunity for members and others seeking community to gather outdoors in an informal and sociable outdoor setting.

We will gather at 6:30 pm with music, provided by Hal Aqua, to welcome Shabbat*.  After our meal, we will join in a lively outdoor Shabbat sing along and enjoy each other’s company. The evening will end at about 8:30 pm. Shabbats in the Hood are potluck-style and no cost to members and guests. Children are welcome! Members are encouraged to bring a guest or two.
* Please note that our September event is a Havdalah in the Hood!

To honor the privacy of our hosts, we will provide registrants with addresses and directions to the host's home in the confirmation email that you will receive after you register.  If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the B'nai office.

We request that guests bring a potluck dish (main dish, salad, side dish or dessert) to share for approximately 6 adults. All dishes should be dairy, vegetarian or fish (no shellfish). Please accompany your dish with identification of major ingredients. Gluten-free dishes are appreciated.
Reservations are required no later than end of day Wednesday prior to each Shabbat in the Hood to allow our hosts and the B’nai office to plan accordingly.  Space for each event is limited, so register early. 

Dates for all of the Shabbat in The Hood gatherings:
Friday, 7/26 at the home of Emily Roet and Mike Goodman
Friday, 8/23 at the home of Sally Stich
Saturday, 9/21 (Havdalah) with Havurah Aytz (place TBD) 

All evenings will run from 6:30-8:30 pm. Registration will open for these upcoming dates roughly 2 weeks before the day of the event.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784