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Board of Trustees

Trustees represent the interests of B’nai Havurah by:

  • Making policy 
  • Finding people to carry out tasks that B’nai needs done
  • Setting dues (and helping to collect them)
  • Approving a budget and therefore, understanding the financial reports
  • Assisting with fundraising initiatives
  • Interacting with B’nai staff, committees, and officers formally as well as informally
  • Setting the terms of meetings; if there are existing rules, we should know what they are
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Approving new havurot
  • Approving fixed-term employment contracts
  • Amending Bylaws when needed and thus being familiar with our Bylaws

Our 2024-2025 Board of Trustees

Board members begin their term on July 1 with the end date of June 30. Elections for incoming Board members occur in May or June. Our Trustees are open and eager to get to know our B'nai Havurah members, please feel free to reach out to them. To access contact information for our Board of Trustees, click here (link is available to logged in members) or contact our office at 303-388-4441.

To nominate yourself or someone else for a leadership position at B'nai, click here.

Board of Trustees Meetings

Board meetings are regularly held on the evening of the third Tuesday of each month online.  B'nai Havurah members are invited to attend any Board meeting. Contact the office for the online link and upcoming agenda.

A Spring 2024 message from Board Chair Dr. David Gordon

View the video here

Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784